Products > 1:43 Locomotives

1:43 O&K MD2 Open Cab Diesel Locomotive Kit
1:43 Scale, 16.5mm or 14mm Gauges
Orenstein and Koppell MD2 Diesel Locomotive, open cab version. kit includes etched brass components, brass chassis for 16.5mm gauge, brass/white metal and resin castings, gears, wheels and illustrated instructions. Does not include motor, paint, solder or adhesive.
Kit requires soldering skills and rivet embossing tool.
Please note that this kit will require a Faulhaber 1512 Motor, (not included).
I have included the original Nickel Silver chassis etches which were used with this kit when it was first released. These are for 16.5mm and 14mm gauges. To use these you will need to source a small Mashima 1015 motor (or similar) and suitable gears (not included).